domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010


Nuestra pregunta contestada por los científicos de "XPEDITION KILIMANJARO"  y publicada en su página web-->

From: Miss Kennedy’s 6th grade class, Notre Dame School, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Are there any concerns about the highest peak of Kibo erupting in a near future and if so are any precautions being taken? Would a global warming speed up or stop the eruption? I don't think so. I can’t see any reason to the melting ice to cause the eruption of another volcano. From the simple geographic phenomenon: volcano eruption is due to the process in which the hot molten lava from the deep underground come out in a very tremendous force, and many times through weak areas of the land and mostly cracks which in most cases are result of earth quakes, rocks dislocations etc. Mike O’Toole / Xpedition Leader

1 comentario:

  1. We made it kids! Our voice was heard! We are now part of NASA archives....
